Oil Spill Response International B.V.
Business Center Seaports
Engelandweg 33
4389 PC Vlissingen-Oost, The Netherlands
P: +31(0)118 480 125, E: info@osri.nl


Spill Kits to be placed on a central, permanent location in risc environments; for usage in case of leakage.

- Zipperkits Oil Only & Universal

- Response Spill Kit

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Zipper Kits Oil Only & Universal

First aid kit for leaks to 20ltr (trucks, tractors, shovels, cranes).

Content : 15 Mats, 2 Absorbtion Booms, 1 pair of gloves, 1 pair of safety goggles, 1 wastebag with closure strip.

- Oil Only, 50x40x8 cm, 1 p/box
- Universal, 50x40x8 cm, 1 p/box

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